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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tom Price mine

Tom Price is an Iron Ore mine that has 12 seperate pits. We went to check it out and got to wear hats just like Bob the builder!

The machines were absolutely massive. The dump trucks can carry 400 tonnes. They weigh over 200 tonnes empty and carry 4,000 litres of diesel. When they are full and go flat out up hill they get 20 litres to the kilometer! Makes the landcruiser look economical! Top speed is 40km/hr and the tyres are $100,000 each. If a big rock wedges itself between the back two tyres and pops them - there goes a quater of a million big ones.

The trains to the coast are 2.5km long, weigh 30,000 tonnes and have $5 million worth of iron ore on them.
All in all it's a pretty big dusty hole worth alot of money. Love to go for a spin in one of the trucks though.

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