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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Final Tour DeFart before departure

The 7th Tour DeFart was held in November, going from Wangaratta to Mrytleford, Beechworth and back to Wangaratta.

The conditions were very trying to say the least. It was either over 40 degrees or raining heavily, and there were numerous flat tyres. VLine also did their bit to make things difficult by refusing to let bicycles on the train this year. In the end we hired a bus and trailer and made our own way.

Despite all these setbacks the 12 participants soldiered on manfully. Pyke had a close relationship with the local taxi drivers by the end of the weekend, and availed himself of their services when the ominous "Beechworth Hill" loomed on the horizon. On the day however, Fraser "The flying Scotsman" Milne was too good and beat the field home to the top of the hill. Other highlights were the Gapstead winery, the Beechworth Brewery and the Beechworth Chinese. No-one was arrested, hit by a car or got lost, so all in all it was a great success.