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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Shinju Matsuri Festival

Theopening ceremony of the Shinju Matsuri Festival went off like clockwork. Sammy the Dragon performed all manouvres without getting tied in a knot (which is better than we ever did in practice). The kids made lots of noise banging drums and other instruments and did well in the baby dragons. Sammy was woken to start the festival with fire crackers with Doug Fong (good name eh?) removing his blind fold. Sammy then did a bit of a show and headed off to Matso's brewery where he went into the bar and did a circuit, only smashing one glass - not a bad effort for a dragon with a big head and 16 pairs of legs. He drank about 16 beers before going off home to bed (most of the legs went back to Matso's though) while staircase to the moon happened.

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